Hey All! How’s everyone doing? It’s been awhile I know things have been shifted for me the past month but now we are in March and I am super excited about all the new energy flowing in and some calming too. This is my birthday month? which ties into my win this week! It’s always a blessing when you are able to celebrate another milestone of life another year. I have so many other great things I’ve been working on and completing so far I will have to set myself up to visit the group one day this week. With the affirmation, yes self care is essential to how you are able to care for others. Inspiring them to take care of themselves too. I don’t use the word hope, for me it’s more of empowering others by being a light and sharing my light with people. Great Affirmations as always?
We are doing well. Been busy as usual. I miss you and thank you for updating all the goodness going on in your world. It's a great time right now. Yes, the energies are high as a lot of people are grounding themselves and working hard to bring light, encouragement and compassion to the world. We look forward to seeing you in the room whenever you can make it. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you. So happy for you!
In love & light, Nikilette