• Tammy ! Mic Drop! Amazing share! I really enjoyed reading your perspective on the affirmation. I'm so happy for you that you are seeing the need to complete tasks! OY! Don't we all need to be more in line with our purpose, focus and accomplishing tasks that will get us to the next level (like what I did there LOL).

    Loved how you talked about essential oils and the connection with healing ourselves and noticing there are things going on in our body we do have something to say about. I loved FLUIDITY as our nature....totally dig it. 

    I appreciate you bringing in the movement with our vision/desire/intention being aligned with our actions, not just our physical movement. The pause! It's so powerful when you said the you see it as the difference between feeling driven and feeling called. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Being inspired from our core is truly the place to live in instead of constantly pushing and pushing when a lot of people aren't meant to push, initiate and that drive...........push, push, push when all we need to do sometimes is pause and see what's before us and take it all in.

    WOW Tammy! Thanks for the insight and I look forward to seeing you today in the room. 

    In love and light,
