• I ? this affirmation! Speaks so deeply to me. My perfectionism, asking with other influences taken upon myself, had led to OCD. Perfectionism leads to feeling like a failure. Trying to remember *I'm* not a failure. Trying to cut off the negative narrative and the absolute urger to respond to triggers to BE perfect. Cutting off the negative words is leading to me to accept myself with ALL of my flaws, as we were created to be flawed as there's only One that isn't. It's also helping me to learn to love myself with ALL my flaws. Flaws that I was made to make. ???

    • Rana, Thank you for sharing!

      We are all ONE and there is perfection. Perfection is also in the eye of the beholder. You are perfect being yourself, not what anyone tries to tell you to be or their idea of perfection.

      We look at perfection as something to be attained constantly, when in reality, doing your best is what really matters.

      Doing your best everyday, what would that look like in your world?

      Would it be the same every day or would it change from day to day?

      The "flaws" we have are things that may need and adjustment or our perspective needs that adjustment. The flaws show us the room and areas of growth that are available to you (that you see needs to change).

      When you accept yourself for who you are - the entirety of you, then you'll find bliss.

      Also remember that the world projects what they think as perfect and the reason we see it the way they do is because we agree that it is correct.

      Think on that...........what others think, does it have to be your truth because family, friends, peers etc say it is?

      I see things very differently than others do and that doesn't mean that they are right and I am wrong or vice versa.

      It means we see things differently and respond differently. Let me know your thoughts.

      In love and light,
