• Making progress clears my mind for growth...Over the weekend I was told because my dogs were howling they feel my grief I've been thinking about what I have been grieving over one person said maybe its the person i was in those relationships and they are not far from the truth she was more giving and unknowing in the ways of evil she trusted everybody even though I don't want to return to being her I miss her innocent ways she was healthy young and cute, so making progress does clear my mind for growth im a sapling tree everyday im growing
    • I'm knowing the difference between movement and progress when I move I still take my problems with me but if i work on those problems im making progress there's always something deeper to sadness or anger and i like to say i look for the deeper to progress
    • Instead of doing a lot, I'm getting a lot done.i think a lot so in my head im doing a lot and nope im not getting a lot done