• This is awesome!! I'm currently working on rewiring my brain to see/think positive, which in turn impacts my actions. You can also turn it around and "do" in order to rewire your brain to impact your thoughts. The brain is an amazing muscle -- once you learn that YOU'RE in control.

    • Rana!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!

      Rewiring is something that we will be talking about in our upcoming podcasts. Keep an eye and ear out!

      I found one of the biggest ways to see things positively is to sit in gratitude for what I do have. Then if there are things in my life that I want to change. When you look at those things from a place of, OK time to release, change, transmute this to what I actually want. The Universe hears what you want and doesn't understand the words I don't, I need, etc. If I keep saying I don't want something in looping thoughts, I find that is exactly what I receive. It's in my mind constantly, so I'm communicating that I want that.

      Focusing on what we truly want, desire and deserve is a skill and worth the time and effort to free ourselves. That's where we regain our power by changing perspectives and understanding that we can change what the voice inside says to be more pleasant and kind. The muscle of the brain that needs to be activated to realize and wake up to those looping patterns, negative thoughts to self, etc.

      I'm with you lady, I love that you think this is awesome, because it's the step towards freedom and we should be free in our own mind, body and spirit.

      In love & light,
