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MONDAY 11-29-2021 Badass Affirmation
by Bill Bowman
- I'm kind to myself and others.
- I do what I love, and love what I do.
- I'm the only one who needs to understand my personal choices.
Trisha Rue
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- I'm kind to myself and others.
- I do what I love, and love what I do.
- I'm the only one who needs to understand my personal choices
I believe I am working every day to be kinder to myself because this helps me to be aware of my thoughts and feelings. When I am aware of me I have the ability to be more conscious to others and I go further to be nicer to others. When I take care of myself it is reflected in the way I treat others.
I am also learning everyday to learn to love what I do. I have struggled with this because I had a significant change in plans I am now embracing this and I am doing more in love of what I am doing.
My personal choices are my own and I do not need to explain why I make the choices I do. If I choose to provide an explanation I can but how someone else receives and responds to my choices is not my responsibility. I can choose to be aware of their response and may even complete a self re-eval based on feedback I receive but that is my choice and I should always retain that super strength for myself.
Thanks for a great affirmation that helped me think today. ~Trisha
Trisha Rue