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Self limiting thoughts?

What limiting thoughts are rolling around in your mind?

What are you going to do to change them?

When limiting thoughts are rolling around in our minds, they are on wash, rinse, repeat. I've dealt with this a lot over the years and the biggest way to stop, is to be aware. So pay attention to how you speak to yourself and if you wouldn't talk to you family or friends this way, you're on the right track towards changing the pattern. One thing that helped me is to say the word STOP and then come up with a different way of looking at it.

Example: I'm so stupid I forgot to lock the door.

Well, you're not stupid, what was going on that you'd forget? What will you do next time to ensure it won't happen again. Awareness, kindness towards self and positive self talk moves you into a different frame of mind - growth mindset.

I look forward to what you all share here.

In love & light,


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Comments (2)
    • Goodness!! What a question! I have lots rolling around everyday! Not as many as I had even 6 months ago when I'd been hospitalized for the umpteenth time due to a narcissist bf that made me want to end my life. Thank you God for giving me that stronghold of thread to those I lived more than myself. He's long gone - but his remnants remain in my brain. Slowly, I'm becoming aware of each one and flipping the script so that I can learn to love myself again. It's a daily fight but one that I'm GOING TO WIN!!

      • Rana! I miss you in the room. So good to see you here. Yes!!!!!!!!! Oh the thoughts that would roll around in my head daily, girl, well you know. I'm glad that you are working on quieting those voices down, they are there to teach us things, but once the lesson is learned, it's time for the eviction notice. I see you, thank you for the lessons and I've moved on to a more authentic way of thinking and living. You've got this! Love you lady!

        In love & light,


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