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Wednesday HTN4U Badass Affirmation on Forgiveness

BADASS AFFIRMATION - 6/15/2022by Bill Bowman

  • Who am I to cast aside forgiveness?
  • I am strong enough to forgive myself and others.
  • When I'm forgiving I'm feeling my strength.

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Comments (2)
    • Forgiveness is important. It's mine to allow or disallow, right? We're each always exploring the importance of our own self, wrestling with forgiveness, and embracing or dismissing the importance of others.  You'll notice that *forgiveness* is directly in the center of that statement.
      • Bill, this affirmation has been so powerful and healing to the collective. Perfect during the full moon! 

        I love, appreciate and honor you and how you show up for the collective every day of the week. This affirmation is power and thank you for this.

        In love & light,

        Your adoring wife 

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