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Thursday HTN4U Affirmation on Happiness
HTN4U Affirmation
✍ by Bill Bowman ❤
- My happiness is the way in which I live each day.
- As I'm reaching for my goals, I'm feeling the joy of my journey.
- Today, I'm embracing the happiness from within myself.
- · Shauna M Ice
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- My happiness is the way in which I live each day. I'm beginning to find this daily happiness almost giggly I find all the wonderful beauty around me in my dogs my cats and my music
- As I'm reaching for my goals, I'm feeling the joy of my journey.
- Today, I'm embracing the happiness from within myself. these two go together lol as I release each emotion that's been trapped in my body and with each layer peeling back and saying no more of making myself sick now that I know how to take care of it and if I don't do the work to make the changes shame on me I'm reaching my goals and not a damn thing is going to stop me this is a journey of joy this life doesn't have to be hard all the time
Yes Shauna!
I love it when we have those times of giggling, playing and having fun! We're supposed to enjoy life and not a life of suffering. Time to remove that from the equation! I love you see the beauty in your fur babies and music. I love the outdoors too, but today it's snowing, so that's a no for me. LOL
I hear ya, being trapped in the body and not liking the living situations, well it's time to change. I'm so glad that you are embracing change and becoming YOU! Not the person that takes care of everyone or listens to everyone, but one that takes care of themselves and enjoying the journey of self discovery. It's quite a ride and I'm glad that you are approaching life differently.
Remember, life is your creation, you make it what it is. You have the power to create the life you want to live and the people you want around to enjoy it with!
Love you!
In love & light,
- · Rana Thomas
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- I strive to live my life with happiness & love. I believe what you put out in this world comes back. There's always a day that you're not feeling the light within, but those days are happening less & less.
- Goals! They lead us in our journey of life. As you reach each small broken down piece of your journey, you should celebrate. I need to work on breaking down goals &/or intentions into smaller pieces. My therapist told me "You can't eat an elephant in 1 bite."
- Today, I struggled with my happiness inside as I'm still morning my baby girl, my Bebes, my extension of me, my ESA, etc. I do celebrate that she was one of the most wonderful gifts that I've ever received. The joy she brought me. The love between us, etc.
I agree with you! What you say, think and put out there will come to you. The days you're "not feeling" the light is the time to go to meditation and journal, which are probably the last thing you may want. Take the time to get connected to you by doing those things and give yourself grace, you're showing up and becoming more and more aware when the "not feeling" to breathe, drink some water and take 15 mins meditation and journal or go for a walk. We're all different and what works for some, may not be the answer for all. Some things are to try on for size to see if it resonates, if it doesn't then there are other things out there that help you to "feel" the light.
I agree! WINS! That's why we had that as a staple in the affirmations room. It's a starting point of gratitude, even if it's just being in the affirmations room Each goal we have takes us down a road and we make decisions what turns, forks in the road or step back for evaluation. These are great steps towards reaching our goal. Each step towards that goal whether it's obvious forward progress or a need for pause and reevaluation, it's all great and wins come with the small achievements, milestones, awareness etc.
Rana, know that you're held in purest living light, immaculate grace and ultimate love regardless of how you feel. Losing a member of the family isn't easy, it's challenging especially when they're part of our day to day. Sending you healing heart energy, love and support.
In love & light,